“You Should Write a Book”

Hi! I’m Stella Nahatis.
In January 2021 an email from Hay House Publishers offered a free 7-day writing challenge. I accepted immediately.
During the imposed quarantine due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I had the opportunity to devote the time and answer the call “You should write a book.”
Following the challenge, I immersed myself into cultivating the seed which had been planted by many who had heard my story.
Thank you for visiting my website and be sure to check back periodically for updates and more.

Hi! I’m Stella Nahatis.
In January 2021 an email from Hay House Publishers offered a free 7-day writing challenge. I accepted immediately.
During the imposed quarantine due to the Covid-19 pandemic, I had the opportunity to devote the time and answer the call “You should write a book.”
Following the challenge, I immersed myself into cultivating the seed which had been planted by many who had heard my story.
Thank you for visiting my website and be sure to check back periodically for updates and more.
Taxi to America
A Greek Orphan’s Adoption Journey
Taxi to America
A Greek Orphan’s Adoption Journey
What People Are Saying
In her memoir, “Taxi to America,” Stella Nahatis has delivered a compelling portrait of a girl who refused to be defined by a series of tragedies that would have defeated a person less brave — and less stubborn.